Welcome to McCune Solar Works:
A global resource for sustainable energy solutions.
Our mission is to operate within a framework of social and environmental responsibility to develop and manufacture new products, building designs, materials and methods for affordable, low maintenance energy efficient, high quality solutions for distribution worldwide. We will maintain a design ethic consistent with our planet and the world around us, respectfully coexistent with the forces of nature.
Note to Contractors and Suppliers When it comes to solar equipment, providing the highest quality will save you money and do less environmental damage. The weak link is often the inverter(s), next the diodes in the solar module assembly. The culprits, moisture and heat. Please visit our "Products" page for solutions that address these issues. You'll find the highest quality inverters and solar modules. The inverter reliability is the highest in the industry (0.18% failure rate) at the lowest cost; The competition, as high as 25% failure rate in some cases. Our double glass PV modules limit moisture migration into the module and dissipate heat more effectively. The split j-box solution separates the high heat emitting diodes for longer life of the equipment with a 30 year warranty. Longer equipment life means less failed equipment ending up in the landfill (environment) and less raw materials mined to replace them. And then there is the thing we all struggle with, profitability. With service call backs we break even or worse. The future financial health of our industry depends on providing the most reliable equipment. Work with us. With your competition stuck on using lesser quality equipment simply because they are accustomed with it, you will have an advantage in the market. Fewer truck rolls for service calls means more profit potential. Our customers, the consumer deserves the best for their energy investment.
More About Us
Our Cornerstones
Cutting edge innovation & implementation
Dedicated to protecting first responders & clients alike
Solutions for the present to ensure a brighter future
Business methodology built with integrity & reliablity
A new safety standard for functionality, methods and materials.
Solar PV
Class A Fire Rated 30 yr. PV Module
Rapid Shutdown exceeding code requirements
Energy Storage
Long life, limited hazmat materials
Methods/Materials extended life of systems
Aggregate Reliability
Compatibility of methods and materials
Mitigation of Hazards
Utilities, natural disasters, first responders